Playsation VR Coming this October $399.99

At the annual GDC Sony made huge announcement with upcoming VR headset. Sony will not only be releasing the Plaustation VR this year but it will be priced drastically cheaper than the competition. PlayStation VR headset will launch in October of this year for a suggested retail price of USD $399 / CAD $549.
This announcement comes as shock to many who through the Playsation VR will be launching the headset at price tag more in line with competition’s $600 to $800. This puts Sony in the driver’s seat for VR comes this holiday season. This will be the cheapest option for consumer to be able join the world of VR.
There are still many questions left open after this announcements. The big one being is the PlayStation camera and move controls going to be required? If true this will inch setup too little over $500 putting closer to oculus rift pricing of $600. In the coming days we will be getting a clearly picture after all the dust settled from massive announcement.