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Indie Developers

Was Last Guardian Worth the Wait?
As I sit here writing this, the credits are rolling. It has been a long journey from the first announcement to where we are now. Delay...

People are mad about Yooka Laylee for Not coming out on the Switch at launch.
After a few very public disappointing kickstarter game projects the public funding crowd has become more wary and more wise. Some have...

Samurai Jack is Back and More Badass.
As someone experienced in animation and design i can say that Samurai Jack is probably one of the best looking and aesthetically...

Chris Archer, Earth Fall
Earth Fall was a big surprise when I first got my hands on it at PAX East 2016. A majority of the shooters present focused more on player...

Yakuza 0 Review Roundup
The prequel to Sega’s Japanese crime saga Yakuza has finally come stateside. This is great time to enter the world of Yakuza since Sega...

What the French Weapons in BF1 will most likely be.
The French are finally coming to Battlefield 1! I actually took a great interest in prototype weapons of the 19th century before BF1 was...

The Intern, Alexander Rohn
So one of our Krazy Knights Staff members has gotten involved in doing his own little indie project. Since he has focused on promoting...
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