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E3 2017: EA Play Event Coming To Hollywood
E3 2016 EA made some noise in the industry by announcing that they wouldn’t be present at E3. They actually skipped getting a booth at...

Toys R Us Restocked With Nintendo Switch Saturday
The Nintendo Switch becoming a hard to obtain console now and almost every retailer is sold out leaving gamers heading to ebay and...

Toejam and Earl Back in the Groove, Greg Johnson
While at PAX East I managed to bump into Greg Johnson the creator of Toejam and Earl. We had spoken awhile back about doing an interview...

Horizon zero dawn Review Round up
Horizon Zero Dawn's launch has finally come. and reviews have been very good for new franchise. Horizon Zero Dawn is a PlayStation...

Sony announces PAX East 2017 lineup
Sony Interactive Entertainment has announced the lineup of titles playable at its booth at PAX East 2017, which runs from March 10 to 12...

Was Last Guardian Worth the Wait?
As I sit here writing this, the credits are rolling. It has been a long journey from the first announcement to where we are now. Delay...

People are mad about Yooka Laylee for Not coming out on the Switch at launch.
After a few very public disappointing kickstarter game projects the public funding crowd has become more wary and more wise. Some have...

Samurai Jack is Back and More Badass.
As someone experienced in animation and design i can say that Samurai Jack is probably one of the best looking and aesthetically...

Chris Archer, Earth Fall
Earth Fall was a big surprise when I first got my hands on it at PAX East 2016. A majority of the shooters present focused more on player...

Yakuza 0 Review Roundup
The prequel to Sega’s Japanese crime saga Yakuza has finally come stateside. This is great time to enter the world of Yakuza since Sega...
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